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+ BA Psychology

+ MA Spiritual Psychology

(incls. 26 unique communication skills and 8 counseling strategies that I use all the time)

+ Certified in Equine Experiential Education 


Why Coaching? 

GROWTH & TRANSFORMATION are a process, not an event and you are worth investing in!

We often resist change and struggle on our own but we don't have to! Having access to a coach means you receive tips, tools, new perspectives, thoughtful questions, exercises, guidance, inspiration, and support in order to take your life to the next level.


Life coaching has many benefits, including accountability which is so helpful and keeps us on track with our goals and dreams. With the right coach, it can also be lot of fun. Coaching is an incredibly fast growing field of work and many top executives believe in hiring coaches as they are grateful for the results.


Some results may include...


  • Greater Clarity and Focus

  • Empowerment, Motivation & Inspiration

  • Celebration & Acknowledgment  

  • Improved Relationships & Communication 

  • Reaching & Expressing Deeper Truths 

  • Increase in Conscious, Healthy Choices

  • Growing Self-Awareness, Self-Love & Self-Care 

  • Greater Acceptance/Less Triggered and Reactive 

  • Courage & Confidence 

  • Reduced Stress and more Relaxation/Calm/Centeredness  

  • Enthusiasm & Gratitude

  • Goals and Dreams Accomplished 


+ BA Psychology

+ MA Spiritual Psychology

(I learned 26 unique communication skills and 8 counseling strategies that I use all the time)

+ Certified in Equine Experiential Education 


Additional trainings in:

+ Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

+ Access Consciousness

+ HeartMath

+ Essential Oils 

+ Toastmasters 

+ Conscious Capitalism 

+ Animal Communication

+ Natural Horsemanship 


Fun Facts:

+ I used to be only science-minded and an atheist

+ I reached my goal of being a VP by age 31

+ I'm a recovered perfectionist 

+ I've been to 35 states and 15 countries and I once lived in Hoboken, NJ, Los Angeles, and London

+ I'm terrible at foreign languages and playing musical instruments 

+ I used to be a huge meat eater and I'm now mostly vegan 

+ I once moved across the country to a new home with just a suitcase and a friend to help without really knowing anyone in the new city but I followed my dream to work for a movie studio

+ I funded and launched one of the very first conscious media networks that curated hundreds of uplifting and inspirational videos (known as Synergy TV)

+ I used to be known as "The Conscious Rockstar"


Why Me?

I bridge my intuition and experience with animals' wisdom plus my Master's in Spiritual Psychology for your GROWTH & TRANSFORMATION

My first coach helped me to leave my big corporate career in my early 30's and showed me how much faster I could achieve results with the support of a coach. And later on, working with another coach, I truly embraced all of my gifts and pursued my calling with horses. 


I personally believe there is a great coach for everyone and having the right fit is critical. My intention is always to provide a safe, confidential, loving and accepting space so clients can go to the deepest level of healing available to them. I also believe that general life coaching is helpful but that the power of coaching is 10X when an animal is involved and the sessions are outside in nature. In personal opinion, the very best coaches use their strong intuition and are well versed in clearing stuck energy because then the clarity, momentum, and manifesting come faster. I am grateful to be that kind of coach and to help my clients shift from being pushed by pain to being pulled by pleasure. Simply put - I am a catalyst for your most potent growth and a bridge between Heaven and Earth and animals and humans!


If you'd like to find out if we are a great fit, you can schedule a complimentary catalyst coaching session. In 45 minutes we'll see what's possible together and you'll leave feeling clear about your next steps, whether that is with me or with someone else.






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Why Equines? 

"There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man." (or woman or child!) - Winston Churchill 

It's not always easy to describe why working with horses feels like pure magic and joy, yet people exclaim that it does! The good news is there is also some great science and research to back up the transformation that happens in an arena.


First, horses are prey animals (think bunnies or deer) and wouldn't naturally partner with or trust predators (us humans) in the wild. So they need us to be clear, calm, and congruent in order to gain their respect. They know how we are feeling at all times as they have learned to read us over centuries in order to survive. Their attunement to us, unlike any other animal, is one of many things that makes them so special. 


They also have hearts FIVE times the size of ours or larger! This means they are feeling animals more than thinking beings (like us humans) and so they can show us how to follow what feels good and live a more heart-centered existence. I personally believe the world needs more of THAT, esp. in leadership, relationships, and companies. 


Horses are also great meditators and they show us ways of being that we can role model and practice so our lives flow better and we stay present, calm, and connected. Often horses bring up conversations around power and beauty because of their size, energy, and looks and we can learn to embody power with/within rather than power over dynamics, and begin to own our worth. 


It's often a life-changing experience for most people when they feel seen, heard, accepted, and loved by a horse. This often creates an immediate re-set that goes deep and fundamentally shifts outdated ways of thinking, acting, and working. When we are literally faced with such BIG LOVE that we aren't used to, growth and transformation become not only possible but probable! 


Oh and that science part.... the Human Animal Bond Research Institute explains a lot of it but essentially we lower corisol (stress) when we pet/groom a horse, our hearts go into coherent states in the electromagnetic field of a horse heart (i.e. HeartMath Institute), and we begin to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system (rest/digest) when we slow down, breathe, and connect with horses in nature. 


Why Goats?

We like to say "goat for it" when it comes to achieving your dreams! And also that "we have goat your back!"


"Caprine therapy" is brand new and partnering with goats in life coaching work is incredibly novel. You may have seen goat yoga or even goat hikes but goats are so much more powerful than just their physical strength. 


Goats have much to teach as their natural ways of being include curiosity, courage, confidence, friendliness, calmness, and playfulness. Some have described them as "quirky dogs" and they truly are very lovable and funny. For many, it helps to start a session with goats because we can kneel down with them and feel safe. They naturally help us to open our hearts and step outside our comfort zone as most don't get to interact with goats in this manner. 

They offer a surprise element as they cuddle and connect and often invoke a sense of awe and wonder in people. I find they help people step quickly into that childlike space when life was more carefree and fun. So we can easily access the desires and voice of the inner child which can often take many sessions in traditional talk therapy.


Ultimately, goats always go for what they want and aren't shy about asking for things and receiving. So they teach us humans how to GOAT FOR IT in life and business! In many ways, you'll just have to trust me in regards to how awesome they are but the first time I worked with goats I couldn't stop smiling for hours and I wanted that feeling for everyone! 



In-person sessions:

  • Central Coast, CA (main location - Paso Robles/SLO County)

  •  Los Angeles, CA

  •  Sonoma, CA

  •  Your ranch!

Virtual sessions:



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